the nbfc TEAM

A big hello to our NBFC team! These are the hardworking folks that strive to make this site up-to-date and set to please. If you have any questions on their parts of the site, then just find the right person on here and email them with your question, comment, or suggestion. We appreciate your feedback!

Name: Erika
Areas: Website Management, Member Management, Fanfic, Links, Nicholas Brendon Info, Website Award, HTML Design
ICQ: 26933799
Voicemail: 1-877-693-8316
Other Site: la vedette online v. 1.0 (personal site)

Name: Melissa
Area: News
Website: Rivers of Fate

Name: Topaz
Area: Episode Guide
Websites: Welcome to Sunnyhell
A Match Made on the Hellmouth: Giles and Cordy

We are still looking for more team members! As you can see, we are only in the beginning stages of developing our team. I (Erika) am the one that first started the site, so I still have a lot of work to do that I'm not able to do because I've been really busy. So if you think you can help, I need people that are online pretty frequently and can handle the time, responsibility, and effort needed. If you sign up but you fail to correspond with me or to do the work, then I will just remove you. Anyway...if you're still up for it, please fill out the form below or email Erika with the information needed. Thanks!


Email Address:

Area You Want to Work In
(you can check as many as you want, but be aware of how much work it is):
Member Management
Links (gathering/listing links)
Nicholas Brendon Info (updating his info)
Picture Gallery (obtaining pics and their credit)
Website Award (reviewing sites)
Chat/Article Transcripts
Episode/Movie Reviews
Multimedia (obtaining clips, sounds, etc. their credit)
Other - Please Specify:

How Often Are You Online (hrs./wk.): Stunning, fast, FREE!    
FREE feedback form powered by
Any further information we'll need will be sent via email. Thanks!

Questions, comments, suggestions? Contact Erika (email address listed above). This page copyright ©1999 the NBFC Team. Certain parts copyright ©1999 Freedback, for free use. All rights reserved.